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Dr. Mike Simms

Overall responsibility for the geological collections, encompassing fossils, minerals, rocks and meteorites.

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Dr Mike Simms

Curator of Geology


Mike found his first fossils near his hometown of Cheltenham at the age of 6, more than 50 years ago. He developed a similar passion for minerals a few years later and, by the age of 9, had decided to become a geologist. He made many visits to local museums (Cheltenham, Gloucester, Bristol) as a teenager to help identify their Jurassic fossils.   

'Me' by Mike Simms, two lined pages of writing in blue ink, with a black and white photograph of Mike Simms as a boy

Mike has a First-Class degree in Geology with Zoology from Bristol University. He studied at Birmingham University for a PhD on Jurassic crinoids, an interest that he developed as a schoolboy.   

He joined the Ulster Museum in 1996 as Curator of Palaeontology. This followed various research, lecturing and curatorial posts in Britain and Ireland.   

Mike has been closely involved in some of the most successful exhibitions at the Ulster Museum. He was lead curator (and a cartoon character!) for Dippy on Tour when it visited the Ulster Museum in 2018. He devised and curated the immensely popular Elements exhibition that opened in 2014.

Research interests  

Mike’s research on the museum’s collections has included fossils as diverse as echinoderms, brachiopods, ammonites, and the only dinosaur remains known from Ireland. He has also published articles on caves and landscape evolution; on meteorites and giant meteorite impacts; and on aspects of Northern Ireland geology from Castle Espie to the Giant’s Causeway. In 1987 (with his co-author Dr Alastair Ruffell, now at QUB) he discovered the Carnian Pluvial Episode. This was a major climate change that was synchronous with a mass extinction event 234 million years ago. It has become the subject of research worldwide, and the subject of a recent Japanese TV documentary.   

Fossil honours 

As if having his own cartoon character isn’t enough, Mike has had four fossils named after him by other palaeontologists.  

  • A chimaeroid fish (the oldest one known) called Eomanodon simmsi, based on a tooth which he discovered when aged just 15 
  • A cockroach called Alderblattina simmsi, described from a fossil wing found when he was 23. 
  • Two fossil crinoids called Fusicrinus simmsi and Democrinus simmsi.    

Broader interests

Mike is a geologist, first and foremost, but his interests have broadened over the years. His interest in caves goes back to the mid-1980s when he first took up caving. Since 2003 he has been interested in meteorites and the early history of the Solar System. Mike’s interests extend into the living world, and he has been a keen lichenologist since 1990. He has contributed more than 25,000 records to the British Lichen Society and Lichen Ireland databases. He is interested too in land snails and freshwater molluscs, and bryophytes (mosses and liverworts). Mike enjoys exploring hillsides, wooded glens and other places in search of these (when not distracted by geology!) and has amassed an enormous library of reference photographs of lichens and bryophytes (and geology, of course).   

Dr Mike Simms wearing a blue coat pointing at lichen growing on stone

During the lockdown of 2020, he compiled a list of all living species inhabiting his garden, and the 1km square in which he and his family live. Currently, it stands at more than 340 species for the garden and 470 for the square. 

  • Simms, M.J., 2024. A stratigraphic and geographic extension to the Castle Espie Group (Carboniferous, Brigantian) of Strangford Lough, Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42  
  • Simms, M.J. and Drost, K., 2024. Caves, dinosaurs and the Carnian Pluvial Episode: Recalibrating Britain’s Triassic karst ‘fissures’. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 638, 16 pp.  
  • Simms, M.J. 2023. Tortoises, hares and the evolution of the Irish landscape. Geology Today, 39, 13-17.  
  • Simms, M.J. 2022. Irish Jurassic Brachiopods. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 40, 69-86.  
  • Simms, M.J., 2021. Subsidence, not erosion: Revisiting the emplacement environment of the Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 132, 537-548.  
  • Simms, M.J., 2021. Meteorites Explained. Geology Today, 37, 235-240.  
  • Simms, M.J. and Edmunds, M., 2020. Ammonites from the Lias Group (Lower Jurassic, Sinemurian and Pliensbachian) of White Park Bay, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association.   
  • Simms, M.J., Smyth, R.S.H., Martill, D.M., Collins, P.C. and Byrne, R., 2020. First dinosaur remains from Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 9 pp.   
  • Simms, M.J. and Ruffell, A.H. 2018. The Carnian Pluvial Episode: from discovery, through obscurity, to acceptance. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 175, 989-992.   
  • Simms, M.J. and Coxon, P. 2016. The pre-Quaternary landscape of Ireland. Pp. 19-42 in P. Coxon, S. McCarron, F. Mitchell (eds), Advances in Irish Quaternary Studies. Atlantis Advances in Quaternary Science, Atlantis Press, Springer.  
  • Simms, M.J. 2015. The Stac Fada impact ejecta deposit and the Lairg Gravity Low: Evidence for a buried Precambrian impact crater in Scotland? Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 126, 742-761.   
  • Simms, M.J. 2009. The Permian and Mesozoic. Pp. 311-332 in C.H.Holland and I.S.Sanders (eds), The Geology of Ireland, 2nd Edition. Dunedin Academic Press, 568 pp.  
  • Simms, M.J. and Jeram, A.J. 2007.  Waterloo Bay, Larne, Northern Ireland: a candidate Global Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Hettangian Stage and Jurassic System. Newsletter of the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy, 34(1), 50-68.   
  • Simms, M.J., Chidlaw, N., Morton, N. and Page, K.N. 2004. British Lower Jurassic Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, 30, 458 pp.  
  • Hess, H., Ausich, W.I., Brett, C.E. and Simms, M.J. 1999. Fossil Crinoids. Cambridge University Press, 275 pp.  
  • Waltham, A.C., Simms, M.J., Farrant, A.R. and Goldie, H. 1997. The Karst and Caves of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series, 12, 358 pp.  
  • Journal articles  
  • Simms, M.J., 1989. British Lower Jurassic Crinoids. Palaeontographical Society Monograph, 142, no 581. 103 pp, 15 pls.  

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