Our Museums

Policies & Procedures

The Ferguson monoplane at the Museum of Innovation exhibition

Collections Policies & Procedures

Corporate Policies & Procedures

Our complaints policy is currently under review and will be available again soon. In the meantime, please contact our reception team with any queries.

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives everyone the right to request information from public authorities. The FOI Act means that members of the public have a right of access to recorded information to help you to understand better how public bodies operate, how we spend public money, and how and why we make our decisions.

Information requests should be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer at the following address:
National Museums NI
153 Bangor Road
Northern Ireland
BT18 0EU

Alternatively, requests can be sent by email to:  [email protected]

 For Data Subject Access Requests please consult our Data Protection Policy and Procedure